
How do I Change or Update your Facebook Page Name

23 May 2021

Facebook Page name - TeCHi

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Facebook Page names should accurately reflect the Page’s topic. You’ll need to be an admin to request a change to your Page’s name. Changing your Page’s name won’t affect its username.

To request a change to your Page name:

  1. Review facebook’s page name standards
  2. Click on Page Settings on the left side of the Page.
  3. Then click on Page Info
  4. Under General and Name, click to Edit
  5. Enter a new Page name.
  6. Review your request and click Request Change


If you don’t see the option to edit your Page’s name:

  • You don’t have a Page role that allows you to change your Page’s name. Learn how to see your Page role.
  • You or another admin recently changed your Page’s name.
  • There may be limits on your Page.

If you are able to submit a name change request, keep in mind that it may take up to 3 days to review your request and we may require additional information before you receive a final decision. If your name change is approved, you won’t be able to unpublish the Page or change the name again for 7 days. During this 7 day period, we may also let the people who like your Page know the name’s been updated.

NOTE: This procedure is gotten from facebook’s article on How do I change my Facebook username?

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